Sunday 23 August 2015

Being a student again..

The vast sheath of clouds that I mistook to be blankness dissipates as I sit down to think of the student life that lies ahead of me, revealing the bright sky beneath- above, rather, clearing my mind of all worries- well, except some trivial ones... A place where men who run the hostel and mess disprove theories of affection, extending motherly care even towards overgrown PG dudes, mistaking then to be children. The mistake is hilarious, and even more so is the attitude of students who, forgetting that they're adults, happily accept all the pampering they receive... It occasionally gets frustrating, especially to a guy who lived alone and fended for himself for nearly two years, but I won't complain... It did get really weird when I went out of the campus one night and had to put up with a security guard's lecture on young boys wandering off at night, turning a deaf ear to my struggle in explaining to him that I was a master's student (all because I said I was a first year)..
For the first time, I felt like an adult..

I'm undergoing a change: words like PG, landing, CFD, analysis, calculation, happiness, fun, discipline, all changing meaning, most of all.. life..

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Seine Wörter

Sein Wörter sind ja schön, Aber liebe sie nicht zu sehr, Er sagt wie es ist richtig, Aber es ist nur sein Meinung, Glaub nicht die Wörte...