Monday 14 November 2016

Poems Written on Supermoon Day

Perched atop a building yet not,
Shimmering from a pond beneath too,
Pouring forth endless, tranquil light,
Showering me upon me indescribable bliss,
He smiles, shining in all glory,
Giving me peace that none could,
Ridding me of the miseries of life,

Oh who said the moon merely reflects light?
Does he not purify that which is hostile and hot,
Transforming it into a pleasant coolness,
An embrace dear even to the stone-hearted,
And a light known even to the ones born blind,

He's a friend to the lonely,
Giving comfort to the oppressed,
Loved and adored by all,
Not just a celestial orb, but a deity,
Seated upon a heavenly throne.

At 7:28pm solo at lakeside 14.11.2016

A nameless feeling engulfs me,
Stilling my mind, my thoughts,
As I stand, arms open,
Bathing in its splendor,
Its pale light cleanses the soul,
Painlessly ridding me,
Of the nails that pierce my spirit,
My heart slurps as it feasts
On the sumptuous meal of bliss
That it so selflessly serves,

Its carvings add to its lustre,
Proving again and for eternity,
That in imperfection lies beauty,
While retaining its beauty, it defines perfect,
As being thoughtless and silent,
Not sharp or curved,

It hovers in mid space, a celestial sphere,
Imperfectly round, yet contenting,
An orb that foretells not future,
But a one that spreads peace.

On the terrace of the residential building adjoining Sarovar Udyan (Whitehous apaerments?) 7:48pm on 14.11.2016

Monday 7 November 2016

Song on the unity of India

(To be sung as a Carnatic Ragamalika)


विलसति मम द्रुमो,
लोकेSस्मिन् बहुदेशावनेभारतमिति

Charanam 1
இதுபோல் ஓர் மரம் கண்டதுண்டோ?
அதில் எண்ணற்ற பூக்கனிகள் பூக்க,
மொழிகளின் பூக்கள் விதவிதமாய் மலர,
இம்மண்ணின் மணம் நாள்தோறும் கூடுதே,

Charanam 2
जैसे धर्मों के फल पक जातें,
वो पुरानें के रस में भीग जातें,
आने वालोंको गले लगाके,
नए संस्कृतियों को जनम देतें

Charanam 3
Men and women from patches of land,
Each having different hues of sand,
They all stand, hands held, hearts beating as one,
Preaching the virtue of coexistence to all.

My entry for a contest held at IIT Bombay (Submitted at IIT Bombay's PRO on 6.11.2016)
Credits to my brother, Vijay Ganesh for his insights and suggestions

Saturday 5 November 2016


"विद्या ददाति विनयम्" इति कथ्यते, परन्तु एतद्वाक्यम् सत्यम् अस्ति वा, इति कदाचित् चिन्ता वर्तते मयि. अलम् पठित्वा अपि कतिचनमानवाः विनयेन विना वसन्ति। तेषाम् पाण्डित्ये किमपि दोषम् नास्ति, परन्तु सुज्ञाः सन् अपि ते अहङ्कारं पालयन्ति एते जनाः। मया अस्मिन् विषये किञ्चित् विचारम् कृत्वा निशीदितम्, विद्यया सह विनयम् अपि पठनीयम्, इति।

किन्तु विनयम् कथम् पठ्यते? पुस्तकात् वा? न तु! ईदृशम् सुलभम् भवितुम् न शक्यते।

पुस्तकात् अथवा श्रवणेन लब्धम् विनयम् उपधा इव भवति। विनयम् अधिगन्तुम् उदाहरणानि आवश्यकतानि भवन्ति. तदपि सत्सङ्गे एव प्राप्यते।
अतः सत्सङ्गम् कल्याणाय दुर्धरम् अस्ति।

Seine Wörter

Sein Wörter sind ja schön, Aber liebe sie nicht zu sehr, Er sagt wie es ist richtig, Aber es ist nur sein Meinung, Glaub nicht die Wörte...