Friday 30 September 2016


Who taught a child to smile and cry,
No human teacher conditioned by education or books,
Nor a twisted doctrine infested with narrow opinions,
It comes from within - not a physical within,
But a one that appears dark but is filled with enlightenment,
Giving out pearls of wisdom in a wordless tongue,
Spelt and understood by the heart,
Oh this world is littered with theories,
Driven by misunderstood logic,
People taught to know and merely apply theories,
The intellect declaring its undue supremacy,
Trapping men therein,
Oh conscience should drive man,
Learning propelled by experience-
And simple application of common sense,
Science must be limited to books -
And morals taught independently like music,
For some things deserve more than to be questioned or analysed -
For the tools we have are but limited -
And so is our mind,
And most of all, time is less,
And regret is sticky,
Do we analyse our food when hungry -
Or a drug when sick?
Acceptance defines life, not logic,
Theory looks good on paper not in practice-
What is needed is not an understanding of all-
But a balance of understanding and acceptance.

Written at 7:24pm at new SAC on 29.9.2016

Another Poem

A flimsy, fragile body,
Prone to suffering and irreparable injury,
Yet filled with desire for adventure and pleasure,
Spending years in their pursuit,
Propelled by a drive that is yet to be perceived,
With a momentum that has its ups and downs,
But seldom fails to bounce back after a low,
One that shall cease on that fateful day,
When that drive within passes away,
The surprise though is not this drive,
Nor the will that helps him thrive,
For such impulse pervades nature,
Fuelling creatures with the desire to live,
It is that formless devil that haunts his life,
Clouding his judgement, his sense,
Not tangible yet gloating -
Blinding him from his doom impending,
They call it ego, they call it arrogance -
That unplottable tumour, the human's demise.

Completed on the night of 29.9.2016 (Started writing weeks back) at C504, H13, IIT Bombay

Monday 5 September 2016

On Music

Playing in the mind within,
Or on an instrument without,
It stirs one's soul like nothing else can,
Be it a tune, a hum or a melodious shout,

It sinks into one and reverberates there,
Broad and deep, it starts chiming from within,
Filling the emptiness behind closed eyes,
And pulling the strings of the heart as it does..

Soothing one in inexplicable ways,
Bringing tears to ones eyes, harmonising thoughts,
It  saddens, elevates, inspires and elates,
A real key to control emotions.

Thursday 1 September 2016

On Old Age

A life of dignity, of honour,
Filled with mementos of respect,
And anecdotes of valour,
A person feared and respected by all,
Approached for advice and justice,
And revered by several,
Is brought down to a feeble creature,
Unable to fend for itself,
Toothless, wrinkled,
Curled up in a bed,
Pitiable and dependent,
Until reduced to a heap of ash,
Is it time? Or that which they call fate?
Oh what do words matter?
When the person is dead and gone?

On the night of 29th august 2016 at Aero structures lab

Seine Wörter

Sein Wörter sind ja schön, Aber liebe sie nicht zu sehr, Er sagt wie es ist richtig, Aber es ist nur sein Meinung, Glaub nicht die Wörte...